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Self-Selected Activity: Wrapping Up

Renewal is just around the corner, here are some tips for the Self-Selected Activity and completion of your Practice Improvement Record.

The College of Physiotherapists of Alberta’s DO.LEARN.GROW’s Self-Selected Activity involves the following steps: 

Note: you may change and update your PIR anytime before you submit your renewal. Once your RENEWAL is submitted the PIR is locked and is only available to view. 

TIP: Complete your Practice Improvement Record now and have it ready to submit when you apply to renew your practice permit.

While not working due to the COVID-19, many physiotherapists may have pursued professional development by engaging in online courses and reviewing course notes. With return to a changed practice environment, they may not have had an opportunity to apply their learning to practice. If this scenario applies to you, discuss in your Practice Improvement Record how you foresee applying what you learned to practice. Use the following questions to guide your response 

  • If you can't discuss how patient care changed, discuss how your activity might change future patient care.
  • If you haven't fully implemented the activity, how do you foresee the physiotherapy or health care system benefitting in the future? 

Your completed Practice Improvement Record must: 

  • Be an authentic and meaningful representation of what you did to improve competence and enhance professional practice (patient care/work environment). 
  • Provide specific details about the activity you completed. 
  • Name resources/research used to improve practice (e.g., evidence, articles, guidelines, reports, scales, audits). 
  • Provide a thorough description of how completing the activity impacted your personal competence and impacted (or might have impacted) patient care or physiotherapy/ health-care services.

When you complete your Practice Improvement Record: 

  • Write about an activity that stretched you, that resulted in and that you can tell a great story about (sentence form or point form acceptable). 
  • Use reporting as an opportunity to consolidate your thoughts and extend your learning. 
  • Set aside enough time to thoroughly discuss all questions posed. 
  • Answer all questions in the Practice Improvement Record providing detailed explanations on how your activity improved your competence and patient care and/or the physiotherapy/ health-care service. 
  • Consider using the Guiding Questions to prompt reflection. 
  • In your story list two or more resources to illustrate you are using current resources

Need to see real Practice Improvement stories from real physiotherapists? Check out one of these eleven examples.

Questions? Comments? Advice? Participation Issues? Contact the Continuing Competence Program at: 780-438-0338 or

Page updated: 20/04/2022