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Council News: March 2022

Clinical Competency Examination

Council had a robust discussion about the offering of future Clinical Competency Examinations. Council supports offering future administrations of examinations to provide candidates an opportunity to attempt a clinical examination to meet the registration requirements on the General Register as per section 3 of the Physical Therapists Profession Act. Details of future exams and eligibility are being finalized and an announcement will be made on or before Wednesday April 13, 2022. We encourage candidates monitor the website for this announcement.  

Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators Board of Directors Nomination

Joyce Vogelgesang was nominated as the Alberta representative to the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators Board of Directors.


The audited financial statements for the year ended September 30, 2021, were approved. The financial statements will be included in the 2021 Annual Report.

Continuing Competence Standard of Practice

Council approved circulation of the draft Continuing Competence Standard of Practice with the Program Rules for registrant feedback.  For more information, or to provide feedback please visit here.

Competence Committee

The Competence Committee has not been utilized since the launch of the DO. LEARN. GROW. Continuing Competence Program. Should a regulatory college undertake assessment of regulated members competence or practice visits, a continuing competence committee must be established as per the Health Professions Act. When council approved the DO. LEARN. GROW Continuing Competence Program in 2017, they did not consider formal assessment or practice visits as components of the program therefore Council has decided to discontinue the Competence Committee at this time. 

The College of Physiotherapists of Alberta would like to acknowledge the dedication and commitment of competence committee members who contributed to the continuing competence program over the years.  

Committee Appointments

Neha Agarwal has been reappointed to the registration committee for another 3-year term.  


As Physiotherapy Alberta – College + Association transitions to operating as a single mandate organization, the College of Physiotherapists of Alberta, amendments to the bylaws were required. The bylaws are posted on the Physiotherapy Alberta website, and should you choose to review the bylaws, you will have a sneak peak of the rebranding with our new logo and name.  An overview of the changes include:

  • Organization Name
  • Quorum section to account for public representatives who have not been appointed to Council  
  • Council Appeal Panels
  • Discontinuation of non-regulated member categories and special meetings
  • Reinstatement Review Committee has been added to the Registration Committee section
  • Removal of Competence Committee section

Page updated: 26/04/2022